Understanding God and His Ways

God’s Judicial Process

2014© By Patrick Wiese

According to Webster’s the word Judicial comes from Latin judicialis, from judicium judgment, from judex. 1 a : of or relating to a judgment, the function of judging, the administration of justice, or the judiciary judicial processes

To understand and know God's Word, precepts and principles, you must know and understand God and His ways. Jer. 9:23,24. Thus saith the Lord, let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, sayeth the Lord.

Summary: God is 100% just (righteous), not 50% just and 50% mercy. He doesn’t say, “I am in a good mood today, so I will overlook their sin.” No, He is 100% just all the time, so sin must always be punished. Unlike man, God will not compromise. Man is worthy of 100% of God’s wrath and judgment on sin. However, since God is also 100% love, He did not leave man in his hopeless state. In order to satisfy God’s wrath on sin, He poured out the full punishment on Jesus on the cross, meeting His requirement of complete justice. He showed 100% justice by the cruel crucifixion, and He also showed 100% love in that He gave His only Son in our place.Num.14:18; Is.13:11, 53:1-5; Rom.1:18, 5:8, 15-19; 1Cor.15:3-4; 2 Cor.5:21; Gal.3:22; 2 Pet.2:9; 1John 4:16

Further Explanation:

God IS Righteous. It is not just that He has an attribute of righteousness, not just a percentage of Him is righteous, He is 100% righteous, all the time, but He also is 100% Love. If He was Love only there would have been no need for the cross (Judgment). He could have just said every body can come to heaven. But God is Righteous and righteousness always demands judgment, but his lovingkindness looks for a way to satisfy Judgment so He can take His pleasure, which is to give and to bless. This is what God did through the cross of Jesus. Now Jesus asked the father “if there was ANY OTHER WAY to let this cup pass from me”. But there is NO OTHER WAY, no righteous way, to satisfy Judgment, righteousness and bless mankind but through the cross. Jesus is THE way. If God blessed us when the wage for our sin is death God would not be righteous. He can do nothing, but that which is always right. His word (that which is righteous) says that the wage for sin is death. It also says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Therefore if all have sinned and the wage of that sin is death, what should God do to us? Kill us. Numbers 14 says God will in no wise clear the guilty, but God’s love wants to bless us. Again, God is righteous and righteousness always demands judgment, but his lovingkindness looks for a way to satisfy Judgment so He can take His pleasure, which is to give and to bless. So God in His love sent Jesus to exercise His Judgment on, in our place. So now when we exercise faith in Jesus HE can RIGHTEOUSLY bless us. This is why God has people preach so when they hear the word, faith in what Jesus did can come, which God can account for righteousness and then He can bless us. God’s pleasure is to bless or give; this is why in Hebrews it says without faith it is impossible to PLEASE HIM. James says If we don’t ask in faith we will not receive anything. It would be a sin for God to bless us unless somebody somewhere exercises faith. The reason that without faith you can’t please God, is, that without faith to account for righteousness, God can’t righteously bless you and God takes His pleasure in BLESSING YOU. Think about it. The Almighty Gods pleasure is to bless you, AWESOME. The scripture below is a good example of God’s love looking for a intercessor, someone to exercise faith, so that God can account it for righteousness and therefore judge us righteous and bless us. Ezekiel 28:30 So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. 31 Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads,” says the Lord GOD. God’s perfect will was not done which was to spare the land. There was no faith exercised which He could account for righteousness. Instead He had to Destroy or Judge. God’s perfect will is not done when people go to HELL. God wants us to preach Jesus THE WAY and compel people to receive Him. This is a exercise of faith, which He accounts for righteousness. Now He can take His pleasure and Bless and give to man for ever. God’s pleasure is to bless you and me. Luke 12:32 states it is His pleasure to give you the kingdom. He takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant Psalm 35:27. That’s what floats His boat. Romans 4:16 Says Therefore it is of Faith, (God invented the faith system) that it might be by grace; (undeserved anointing, ability) to the end that the promise might be sure to all the seed. Let’s let God take His pleasure and bless us. Receive Jesus!!

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