Trinity Youth

Ruben & Carla Garcia

    The Lord has placed a longing for our youth in my heart for this generation.
    The journey previous to youth leader at Trinity was birthed with a desire to serve. I was quickly placed in  action in the children's ministry were young minds were soaking in the Lord's ways. Shortly after, I became senior commander in the Royal Rangers ministry where the Lord used me in ministering to the spiritual development of the youth.
    Relationships, schoolwork, busy schedules, tests, stats, peer pressures, temptations, and difficult decisions are bombarding our youth constantly. With the many distractions that middle or high school students receive it is difficult navigating the teen years. That is exactly why Trinity assembly youth group meets. The youth group at Trinity assembly are uniquely set apart, God-fearing, loving group that are exercising their discipleship skills to be more than conquerors. It is a place where the youth can feel comfortable, relax, and have plenty of fun while encountering God with their friends! Come, join us on Friday nights.

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