Children’s Action Relief, Inc. is an organization dedicated to providing aid to children and families at home and abroad. John and Carolyn began sending items to El Salvador and other countries in 1993. Shortly after that they then teamed up with World In Need until they began Children’s Action Relief, Inc. in 2009.
Some more recent projects include providing winter coats and school supplies to underprivileged U.S. school children and shipping relief supplies such as building materials, food and clothing to Haiti. They also raised money to provide light and heavy used equipment for construction purposes in Haiti and to create a means of sustainable income for the churches, schools and orphanages.
John and Carolyn Canada are joined in action by Directors Robert Wolframe and Albert Alfonso. The Children’s Action Relief, Inc. team believes compassion is synonymous with action.
If you would like to find out ways you can make a real impact and see the difference you could be making in the lives of others, please contact: John and Carolyn Canada
Mobile 407.921.2496